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Cart 6 Product Products 34.60 CHF (empty)    
PME Icing Flower Nail Set 5 and 1 Handle
1 x PME Icing...
9.50 CHF
Culpitt - Green Cloth Covered Wire for Flowers, 22 Gauge (0.7mm), env. 36 cm, 20 Pieces
1 x Culpitt -...
4.70 CHF
EPS for Cake Dummies. cm 30 x 7.5 h
1 x EPS for...
5.50 CHF
FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes, 500g
1 x FunCakes...
7.50 CHF
Decora - Lollipop sticks 22.8 cm Ø 3.8 mm, 25 pieces
1 x Decora -...
4.90 CHF
Red Lollipop Sticks. Plastic 15 cm, 25 pieces
1 x Red...
2.50 CHF

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12.50 CHF Shipping
3.16 CHF Tax
47.10 CHF Total

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Shopping-cart summary Your shopping cart contains: 6 products

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Product Description Availability Unit price Qty   Total


Total products () 34.60 CHF
Total gift wrapping (tax incl.) 0.00 CHF
Total shipping (tax incl.) 12.50 CHF
Total vouchers (tax incl.) 0.00 CHF
Tax 3.16 CHF
47.10 CHF
PME Icing Flower Nail Set 5 and 1 Handle

PME Icing Flower Nail Set 5 and 1 Handle

SKU : PME13 - NS557
In Stock
  • 9.50 CHF
9.50 CHF
Culpitt - Green Cloth Covered Wire for Flowers, 22 Gauge (0.7mm), env. 36 cm, 20 Pieces

Culpitt - Green Cloth Covered Wire for Flowers, 22 Gauge (0.7mm), env. 36 cm, 20 Pieces

SKU : 1385G
In Stock
  • 4.70 CHF
4.70 CHF
EPS for Cake Dummies. cm 30 x 7.5 h

EPS for Cake Dummies. cm 30 x 7.5 h

SKU : 174018
In Stock
  • 5.50 CHF
5.50 CHF
FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes, 500g

FunCakes Mix for Cupcakes, 500g

SKU : F10105
In Stock
  • 7.50 CHF
7.50 CHF
Decora - Lollipop sticks 22.8 cm Ø 3.8 mm, 25 pieces

Decora - Lollipop sticks 22.8 cm Ø 3.8 mm, 25 pieces

SKU : 0050372
In Stock
  • 4.90 CHF
4.90 CHF
Red Lollipop Sticks. Plastic 15 cm, 25 pieces

Red Lollipop Sticks. Plastic 15 cm, 25 pieces

SKU : T-6347
In Stock
  • 2.50 CHF
2.50 CHF

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