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Total products (tax incl.) 99.65 CHF
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Total (tax incl.) 107.10 CHF
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Cart 8 Product Products 107.10 CHF (empty)    
Decora - Cake Pan hemisphere, 10 cm
1 x Decora -...
6.50 CHF
Decora - Cake Pan hemisphere, 20 cm
1 x Decora -...
16.50 CHF
Dog foot/paw cookie cutter,  4.5 cm
1 x Dog...
7.90 CHF
Cookie cutter Alpaga/llama, approx. 8 cm
1 x Cookie...
4.50 CHF
Cookie cutter Soccer shirt, 7 cm
1 x Cookie...
4.50 CHF
Wilton - Easter Metal Cutter Set, 18 pieces
1 x Wilton -...
19.90 CHF
Staedter - Unicorn Cake Pan, 21 x 36.5 cm
35.50 CHF
Patisdécor - Cotton candy, green apple sugar, (green) 400 g
11.80 CHF

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7.45 CHF Tax
107.10 CHF Total

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Shopping-cart summary Your shopping cart contains: 8 products

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Product Description Availability Unit price Qty   Total


Total products () 107.10 CHF
Total gift wrapping (tax incl.) 0.00 CHF
Total shipping Free shipping!
Total vouchers (tax incl.) 0.00 CHF
Tax 7.45 CHF
107.10 CHF
Decora - Cake Pan hemisphere, 10 cm

Decora - Cake Pan hemisphere, 10 cm

SKU : 0062953
In Stock
  • 6.50 CHF
6.50 CHF
Decora - Cake Pan hemisphere, 20 cm

Decora - Cake Pan hemisphere, 20 cm

SKU : 62955
In Stock
  • 16.50 CHF
16.50 CHF
Dog foot/paw cookie cutter,  4.5 cm

Dog foot/paw cookie cutter, 4.5 cm

SKU : 66199
In Stock
  • 7.90 CHF
7.90 CHF
Cookie cutter Alpaga/llama, approx. 8 cm

Cookie cutter Alpaga/llama, approx. 8 cm

SKU : 111080
In Stock
  • 4.50 CHF
4.50 CHF
Cookie cutter Soccer shirt, 7 cm

Cookie cutter Soccer shirt, 7 cm

SKU : 41349
In Stock
  • 4.50 CHF
4.50 CHF
Wilton - Easter Metal Cutter Set, 18 pieces

Wilton - Easter Metal Cutter Set, 18 pieces

SKU : 129001720
In Stock
  • 19.90 CHF
19.90 CHF
Staedter - Unicorn Cake Pan, 21 x 36.5 cm

Staedter - Unicorn Cake Pan, 21 x 36.5 cm

SKU : 619074
In Stock
  • 35.50 CHF
35.50 CHF
Patisdécor - Cotton candy, green apple sugar, (green) 400 g

Patisdécor - Cotton candy, green apple sugar, (green) 400 g

SKU : 7022
In Stock
  • 11.80 CHF
11.80 CHF

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